The Beyond The Classroom: Supporting Student Outcomes project will curate institutional case studies that identify and disseminate new ways of working to show how third space professionals can be used to positively influence student outcomes.
There is an ecosystem in universities that is larger and more diverse than what goes on in the classroom. From outreach to student support, digital teams and library services, colleagues working beyond the classroom shape student progression, retention and graduate outcomes. The colleagues working in these teams are often termed third space professionals as their experience and expertise doesn’t readily sit neatly into academic/non-academic categories.
Led by Staffordshire University Centre of Learning and Pedagogic Practice (SCoLPP), in partnership with the Directorate of Student Success at the University of the West of Scotland (UWS), the project will collate these case studies and create a report which will be shared with the sector.
Read an introductory blog from the project team leaders: Dr. Kate Cuthbert and Dr. Emily McIntosh.
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Aim and Objective
The principal aim of the research is to understand a range of techniques, approaches and lessons learned from members’ current work about student outcomes interventions that are driven by or largely feature ‘third space' (e.g. careers staff, enterprise advisors, learning technologists, writing centre staff) colleagues supporting activities outside the classroom.
Charles Knight, Assistant Director of Knowledge, Innovation and Delivery at Advance HE introduces Beyond The Classroom: Supporting Student Outcomes Project, along with Project Lead Dr Kate Cuthbert, Pedagogic Products Development Manager, Staffordshire University.

Project Outputs
The Report
This project report details the activities undertaken to curate institutional case studies that identify and disseminate new ways of working to show how third space professionals can be used to influence student outcomes positively.
This report identifies and explains clear, discreet activity that has occurred in HEIs and shows how changes to infrastructure, process and the configuration of staff have impacted, or will impact, student outcomes.

Call for case studies
The call is now closed. Following a peer review process, a small number of case studies will be selected for development into in-depth case studies and published by AdvanceHE.

Collaborative Development Fund Projects 2022-23
Through a series of projects, the 2022–23 Collaborative Development Fund supports the growth of our members by tackling significant industry challenges collectively. Advance HE grants funding enables our members to grow by identifying major sector issues. The resources and outputs from the projects will be made available to all members.