College-based HE (CBHE) is complex and takes many different forms across a broad range of provision, and whilst there is no ‘one size fits all’ model for CBHE there are a set of uniting factors that the Advance HE CBHE network has the collaborative space to explore, thanks to the Collaborative Development Fund 2022.
From the outset, there were recurring themes being explored by network members, which included:
- Developing HE ethos (culturally and physically), and creating an HE community within FE contexts
- Collaboration opportunities for CPD, research and scholarly activity, and sharing best practice
- Marketing of the CBHE distinctiveness, graduate attributes, and currency of skills
- Collective campaigns
- Regulatory bodies and changes, and learning from other national bodies
To keep up to date with the work of the CBHE Network, check out the Network page.
This page contains the resources from the Collaborative Development Fund project from the 2022 - 2023 membership year.

Aims and objectives
The principal aim of this project is to co-create spaces for leaders of college-based tertiary or higher education across the UK to come together and share practices, devise solutions to meet their challenges and opportunities and build stronger links with the Advance HE community.
Project outputs
Besides the creation of the network itself, other key deliverables of this project include:
Insights report
This report on the CBHE network for Advance HE college-based members across the UK summarises the current network and provides recommendations for future outputs.

‘What Works’ guide
A practical ‘What Works’ guide which outlines the areas of focus that really matter to CBHE providers and to provide solutions to address these shared challenges.

Online discussion space
A curated online space on Advance HE Connect for discussion to continue outside of allotted meetings and sharing of key resources.