This publication has been informed by a series of roundtables run by the Disabled Students’ Commission (DSC) in July 2020, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Disabled Students’ Commission was established by the Universities Minister and is funded by the Office for Students (OfS). The DSC aims to ensure that disabled students have a positive and successful experience in higher education.
As a disabled person entering higher education, you may feel unsure if your requirements will be met in relation to learning, accommodation and socialising. Whether you have already secured a place at college or university or are currently applying through the UCAS clearing system, this publication aims to help you by providing pointers and questions to ask to help ensure a smooth journey.
This document, produced by the Disabled Students' Commission, contains a number of considerations that will help you to pre-empt any barriers that you could encounter and help to ensure that reasonable adjustments are implemented at the outset of your course.
Access the publication below.