The DSC is an independent and strategic group with a key priority to advise, inform and influence English HEPs and sector bodies to improve support for disabled students. Its vision is to help the sector achieve more positive outcomes for disabled students in relation to access, participation, success and progression.
This report, the final report of the Disabled Students’ Commission (DSC), which was established for a three-year period by the Universities Minister in 2020, looks at the key achievements of the Commission over the 2022-23 academic year. This includes the launch of the Disabled Student Commitment, a call to action for UK higher education institutions to make the step-change required to make HE a more inclusive environment for disabled students as well a number of initiatives created alongside various government and charitable bodies standing up for the interests of disabled students across the UK.
Although the work of the DSC is coming to an end, the Commission hopes that HEPs and the sector will embrace the Disabled Student Commitment and use it as an effective tool for continual change, ensuring that communication, consistency, choice and certainty for disabled students remain top of the agenda.
Download the report below.