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Transition to Leadership FAQs

Frequently asked questions about the Transition to Leadership programme.

1. What are the upcoming course dates?

Transition to Leadership 18 
Introduction Webinar: Thursday 24th October 2024 - 11:00-13:00 
Module 1: Thursday 7th November 2024 - 09:30-12:30 
Module 2: Thursday 28th November 2024  - 09:30-12:30  
Module 3: Thursday 19th December 2024- 09:30-12:30 
Module 4: Thursday  9th January 2025 - 09:30-12:30  
Module 5: Thursday 6th February 2025 - 09:30-12:30 
Module 6: Thursday 6th March 2025 - 09:30-12:30 

2. Who is the programme for?

Transition to Leadership is intended for senior or experienced academics who may be moving from an informal to a more formal leadership role, for example those moving from module leadership to programme leadership, or to a school or faculty-wide leadership role, as well as principal lecturers and research leaders. It is also intended for colleagues in service areas who have perhaps already gained experience as a manager or section head but are looking to expand their leadership influence beyond their immediate functional team, both within and beyond their division. We have found that this mixture of experiences and roles within each cohort has offered a useful opportunity for participants to gain insights into the workings of their University.

3. How long does the course last for and how is it delivered?

The duration of the programme is five - six months. The programme will begin with an introductory webinar, followed by six virtual sessions. Participants must be able to commit to all the programme dates.

4. How do I apply?

There isn’t an appliation process for TTL. To book a link please follow the booking link or contact for more information.

5. What is the cost?

(Early booking deadline: 30 September)
Early booking (Member): £1,520
Early booking (Non-member): £2,023
Member £1,600
Non member £2,130

6. What are the time commitments?

The programme is delivered over a period of 4-5 months. You can expect to spend up to 3 hours between modules, in addition to 3-hour workshops.

There are 6 x 3 hour long workshops, held approximately 3 weeks apart. You will be invited to prepare for each workshop. This preparation is likely to take up to 1 hour and may include completing a diagnostic or self-assessment, reading, structured self-reflection or other activities to support your personal insight and learning. Electronic copies of any slides and materials will be provided to all participants in advance of each workshop.

Between each module, there will be 5 x 1 hour long self-organised action learning peer groups. These will be scheduled in the Introduction workshop at mutually convenient times for group members. In workshop 1, participants will be introduced to a model for action learning, which will be used as a structure for peer group sessions.

TTL is digitally recognised and will provide attendees will a certificate of learning.

7. Is there a certification that comes from this?

Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a prestigious digital badge as a certification of their achievement. This digital badge serves as a valuable credential that can be showcased on various platforms such as professional networking sites, online portfolios, resumes, and email signatures.

8. Is there any coursework?

The programme includes group work, workbooks and asynchronous activities; however, these are/ are not formally assessed.

9. What happens if I can't attend all the workshops?

Participants are required to attend all sessions, as missing sessions will mean that individuals do not get the benefit of delivered content or the peer discussion and group working.

10. Are there any deals for group bookings?

No, however there is an early booking price if booked before 30th September 2024.

11. Is this programme available internationally? (from Australia/Malaysia)

Yes, however please be mindful of the timings of the programme – they are typically 09:30-12:30.

12. Are there any networks or communities set up from this programme?

Yes, upon joining the program, participants gain access to an exclusive network and community through Connect. Connect serves as a virtual hub where participants can connect, collaborate, and engage with fellow learners and associates. Participants will be able revisit course materials, reference additional resources, and continue their learning journey at their own pace within an extended access period.

13. Is there a cap on numbers?

We have 24 spaces available on the programme.

14. Are the webinars recorded?

Modules are not recorded as to create a safe space for the free exchange of ideas and views amongst the participants.

15. I have more questions on the programme, who do I contact?

For more information about the programme , please contact