This literature review is part of the Connect Benefit Series 2021-22 longitudinal project on Student Success, which focuses on flexible learning, as well as the themes of access, retention, attainment and progression, and employability.
Given the growth in flexible learning over the years from a technological, as well as pedagogical and institutional perspectives, the question about flexible learning for most higher education institutions is not ‘if’ but about ‘how’, especially with the impact of Covid-19.
Conducted by Professor Mark Loon of Northumbria University, this literature review aims to identify flexible learning trends, issues and impact from 2016 to the end of 2021, with particular focus on identifying 'what works' in the design, development and implementation of flexible learning. Specific areas of focus include the contextual framing of flexible learning (such as situational factors from an institution or national perspective), technological developments and their application, and pedagogical developments.
Advance HE Members can access the literature review and data set below.