Student success is a complex concept, involving academic achievement and the transition to employment, entrepreneurship, or further education. It also includes a deepening understanding and engagement with the discipline or subject, alongside the acquisition and enhancement of skills and personal growth.
This framework brings together the nine individual Essential Frameworks for Enhancing Student Success. Collectively, these frameworks offer a comprehensive overview of the core thematic areas, which are most effective when adopted by an entire institution.
The overarching framework is especially relevant for those working across various departments, services, and institutions. Its application can extend across all functions that contribute to student success within higher education, including academic, research, strategy and planning, student services, registry, student unions, human resources, and marketing and communications.

Would you like our support to make the frameworks work for you?
As regulators across the globe place a greater emphasis on student outcomes and disruptors continue to change higher education at pace, we're here to support you navigate these and set you up for success.
Whether through supporting strategy development, reviewing curricula or developing your staff, the frameworks provide a valuable tool to enhance student success, and institutional reputation and ultimately, work towards financial sustainability.

Upcoming events
Artificial Intelligence Symposium 2024: AI Journeys - Being Human
The journey of embedding AI into the educational continuum, from induction to teaching, learning, and student outcomes, necessitates a thoughtful exploration of its pedagogical, ethical, and disciplinary dimensions.
Research Symposium 2024: Innovate, Inspire, Lead: Transforming research culture
This symposium is a beacon for those who aspire to shape the future of research culture, offering a platform to exchange innovative ideas, inspire leadership, and drive transformative practices.
Fellowship Application Builder Cohort 1
This fully online course has been developed to provide an accessible and convenient format for you, with a time commitment of 2-3 hours per week. It provides the support and guidance to develop your application for Fellowship (FHEA), to help you as you prepare for submission.
Enhancing Programme Leadership
This virtual programme aims to support programme leaders at a time when they may be new to leadership, or looking to gain confidence in their leadership skills.
Introduction to EDI in Teaching and Learning (Series 1)
Delegates will be introduced to different approaches and understandings of inclusive pedagogy, will build confidence in discussing issues of inclusion and equity, and be provided with opportunities to analyse and reflect on their own professional practice.
Inclusive and Equitable Assessment and Feedback (Series 1)
This two-part workshop from Advance HE will introduce the latest literature, practitioner learning, and sector insights to support participants develop their reflective and innovative practice.

Related resources
The Essential Frameworks for Enhancing Student Success Series
Access the nine frameworks covering the strategic areas, identified by the sector, that contribute towards student success.
Student Success Framework Series Review and Redesign project
These publications, together with wider member engagement through webinars, summits and related activity, have provided a timely update to the core thematic areas of student success, ultimately contributing a wealth of evidence and currency for the series update.