Mindsets, Paths and Identities: the Experiences of Senior Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Leaders in Higher Education
What can we learn from the experiences of senior Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) leaders about what is involved in attaining positions of leadership in British higher education?

Observing the observers
Culture, change and organisational development, Identities, roles and careers, HE context and landscape [Small Development Project]

Rewarding and recognising academic citizenship
Culture, change and organisational development, Developing leaders, Evolving organisational forms, Identities, roles and careers [Small Development Project]

Can I speak to you in confidence? How tutoring can play a role in creating trusting research cultures
Equality, diversity and inclusion, Developing leaders, Identities, roles and careers, Understanding leadership [Small Development Project]

Aren’t they all leaving anyway? What's the value of mentoring early career research staff?
Identities, roles and careers, Culture, change and organisational development [Small Development Project]

Onwards & upwards? Tracking women's work experiences in higher education - Year 2 Report
Culture, change and organisational development; Equality diversity and inclusion; Identities, roles and careers; Developing leaders [Leadership Insight]

Exploring the Impact of Coaching in Higher Education
Culture, change and organisational development, Developing Leaders and Identity, Roles and Careers [Research]

Onwards and Upwards? Tracking women's work experiences in higher education - Summary
Dr Sarah Barnard, Professor John Arnold, Dr Sara Bosley and Dr Fehmidah Munir University of Loughborough

The purpose of professors: professionalism, pressures and performance
Identity, Roles and Careers [Research]

Academic Career Frameworks: Key to Change? A Case Study
Developing leaders; Identities, roles and careers [Innovation and Transformation Project]

Motivating and developing leaders
Identities, roles and careers [Research]

Exploring the Role of Associate Dean in UK universities: Final Report
Identities, roles and careers [Small Development Project]

Gender and Higher Education Leadership: Researching the careers of TMP alumni - Final Report
Equality, diversity and inclusion; Identities, roles and careers [Research]

Gender and Higher Education Leadership: Researching the careers of TMP alumni
Equality, diversity and inclusion; Identities, roles and careers [Research]

Leading academic talent to a successful future: interviews with leaders, managers and academics
Identities, roles and careers; Understanding leadership [Research]

Leading academic talent to a successful future: an international perspective
Identities, roles and careers; Understanding leadership [Research]

Focusing the kaleidoscope: Investigating the newly formed role of ‘Academic Lead’ at a research-led University: Final Report
Identities, roles and careers [Small Development Project]

Focusing the kaleidoscope: Investigating the newly formed role of ‘Academic Lead’ at a research-led University
Identities, roles and careers [Small Development Project]

Student experience leadership: a new profession in higher education?: Final Report
Identities, roles and careers [Small Development Project]

Academic Leadership: Changing Conceptions, Identities and Experiences in UK Higher Education - Summary
Understanding leadership; identities, roles and careers [Research]