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Learning from the TEF: Securing student outcomes and designing education for the future

Recorded in two fifteen-minute episodes, Learning from TEF: Securing Student Outcomes, and, Learning from TEF: Designing Education for the Future, James Dunphy, Advance HE Collaborations Director (Quality Enhancement and Partnerships) is joined by Professor Julian Chaudhuri, Pro Vice-Chancellor, (Education and Global), University of Bath; Professor Sherria Hoskins, Provost, University of Portsmouth; and Professor Susan Orr, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education and Equalities, De Montfort University. 

In Episode 1, participants agreed that a common characteristic of universities that had achieved ‘TEF Gold’ was a teaching strategy that reflected a ‘whole university approach’; and that they had to be “bold and confident” to achieve this. 

In Episode 2, the panel explores ‘designing education for the future’ and building excellence into plans to, “make sure that the education we deliver into the future meets the needs of students” with ‘strong educational principles’. The discussion highlighted the key ‘triumvirate partnership’ of academics, professional services and students. 

Watch the videos below.

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