Advance HE began working with Walailak University (WU) in 2018, as the institution had the intention of developing teaching and recognising their faculty against globally recognised standards. WU wanted to develop a ‘culture of teaching’, where staff could work together to share best practice and continuously develop their teaching practice.
When the Covid-19 pandemic struck in early 2020, there was also a need to help teaching staff to develop high-quality remote and blended learning approaches, which could deliver a similar quality student experience while maintaining academic rigour.
Following conversations with WU, Advance HE proposed delivering a version of their top teaching and learning development programme, the Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (CLTHE). The programme is aligned to the Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in HE (PSF) and staff are encouraged to apply for Fellowship upon completion of the programme.
There is now a culture of teaching at Walailak University. Before this work, staff did not talk about teaching, whereas now you can hear them discussing their teaching in everyday conversations. Student learning is at the heart of all our work.”Associate Professor Dr. Surin Maisrikrod, Vice President for Global Engagement and Faculty Development, Walailak University
Walailak University now has over 90% of its staff recognised as Advance HE Fellows across all categories, including 74 Senior Fellows and two Principal Fellows. The impact of Fellowship on the institution was highlighted in 2020, when it was revealed that the drop-out rate among first year students had decreased from close to 30% to less than 2% since they began taking part in the CLTHE.

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Find out more about working with Advance HE to develop your teaching staff
Through a rich history of development programmes and working with institutions around the world, we are able to deliver in-house development programmes which build both capability and capacity. Tailored to your context, themes of these programmes can include assessment practice, flexible learning, leading academic teams or cover the spectrum of pedagogical challenges. Programmes can be delivered over one day or over a period of years. All of our programmes are adaptable to hybrid, online and face-to-face approaches and can be delivered in this format also.