This project explores the key issues of quality, flexibility and accessibility from the perspectives of the HEI and the student to understand the tensions around what is best for student success and how HEIs can meet changing needs of society and employer and what is best for the sustainability of the institution. Outputs are open to all colleagues at Advance HE member institutions.
Prior to the current crisis the HE sector had begun to recognise the growing need for agile and responsive education and training systems to regularly up-skill and re-skill the workforce and meet the increased demand from a growing global HE sector. Changes to ways of working and living shaped by big data, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and improved connectivity are driving changes in how and where we work and will continue to learn across our careers. The pandemic has highlighted that most higher education institutions need to enhance their capacity to deliver flexible and resilient education systems to meet student expectations and the accelerating social and economic transformations that wider society anticipates. This requires a ‘rethink’ not only of what and how we teach but also what shape HEIs need to take to deliver the changing demands of students, employers and society.
This theme will look at the key issues of quality, flexibility and accessibility from the perspective of the HEI and the student to understand the tensions between what is best for student success and how HEIs can meet changing needs of society and employers versus what is best for the sustainability of the institution.
This project aims to:
- Debate future visions for higher education inspired by thought leaders with expertise in transnational education, unbundling higher education and knowledge exchange
- Reflect on the changing models for HE and get insight into the implications for HE institutions
- Review learners’ experiences of a range of tertiary providers including degree apprenticeships, accredited MOOCs and certificate programmes offered by the new, ‘big tech’ providers
- Stimulate thinking into how to work with other organisations to deliver equitable access to higher education
- Consider the value of quality, standards and cohesion of accredited degree programmes and how there are maintained and assured
This project and its resources are available to colleagues at Advance HE member institutions. Information on Advance HE membership can be found via the link below.
Higher education for the future – a digital perspective
In this webinar, we explored the key issues of quality, flexibility and accessibility from the perspectives of the HEI and the student to understand the tensions around what is best for student success and how HEIs can meet changing needs of society and employer and what is best for the sustainability of the institution.

Video provocations
We invited colleagues to submit comments and questions on three videos from guest contributors; Vangelis Tsiligkiris, Principal Lecturer, Nottingham Business School, Laura Czerniewicz, Professor, Cape Town University and Mark Burkin, Professor of Spatial Analysis and Policy, University of Leeds. The videos can be found below, and the form to submit questions and thoughts can be found here.

Advance HE Connect Café Forum - Re-thinking the delivery models for quality Higher Education for all
This forum is designed to discuss new models of higher education that can provide quality education for all. Please have a look at the resources, share your experiences and thoughts and join the conversation.


Related events, services and resources
Below you will find information on Advance HE services and resources which relate to the member benefits listed above.
Leading Virtual and Disconnected Teams
Leading Virtual and Disconnected Teams (LVDT) is an online programme supporting those leading large teams or departments in providing connected leadership in a disconnected world.

Services to support student engagement
The consultancy and enhancement services are designed to support student engagement. Advance He member institutions receive a 10% discount on these services.
Creating Socially Distanced Campuses and Education project
The Creating Socially Distanced Campuses and Education project was designed as an opportunity to engage with key facets through collaborative and generative thinking and dialogue. While the ‘socially distanced campus’ is a very broad issue, the focus of the project was on the priority area of student education and experience.

Advance HE Connect
Advance HE Connect our online network that is open to all those who work in HE providing a space where the sector can share, connect and collaborate in one place with 20,000 HE peers from 100 countries around the globe. The platform features special interest groups, events and collaborative projects.

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