The Student Academic Experience Survey 2021 (SAES), developed in partnership with the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI), shows the expectations, perceptions and experiences of full-time undergraduate students in higher education.
Key findings from this year's SAES include:
- Just over a quarter (27%) of the 10,000 full-time undergraduate students studying in the UK who responded to the Survey felt that they have received ‘good or very good’ value.
- Among the increased number of students who felt their expectations were not met, 54% of these said there was too little in-person contact with other students and 51% said there was too little in-person interaction with staff.
- 29% of students had considered leaving higher education with 34% of those giving mental/emotional health as the primary reason.
- Two out of three students feel their institution is committed in eliminating racial inequalities.
- a spotlight on specific student groups shows that Black students have a less positive academic experience than white students.
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