Student-led peer learning and support schemes can provide a vital sense of community and belonging to students in higher education (HE), as well as offer the potential to improve academic confidence and contribute to improved attainment, retention, progression, and completion. Across the HE sector both within the United Kingdom (UK) and internationally, peer learning and support is commonly situated across a variety of institutional contexts, featuring a diverse range of approaches, models, and terminology.
Edited by Dave Lochtie and Dr Catherine McConnell, this compendium of evidence maps the provision of student-led peer learning and support, primarily across the UK HE sector, identifying multiple perspectives, opportunities, challenges, good practice and potential avenues for future research.
Within this compendium you will find:
- An extensive literature review featuring 95 academic papers on peer learning and support.
- Our findings following a call for survey
- An extensive set of 24 case studies of peer learning and support.
Download the compendium below.