The Future Student Experience Project, supported by the Collaborative Development Fund, pictures what higher education might look like in the future and how student experiences may differ from the present day. Scenario's identified in the six reports through an analysis of the current trends in the sector and consideration of the potential social, financial, technological and environmental drivers and disruptors to identify alternative futures.
The outputs of the project enable members to plan and develop strategies to position themselves to take advantage of changes in the tertiary education landscape and develop future student experiences that align with their mission and values.
Collaborative Development Fund 2022-23 launched
Three projects are announced for the 2022-23 Collaborative Development Fund (CDF) for addressing key sector challenges together.
The Project Aim
The aim of the project is to stimulate debate about the future student experience through an exploration of potential, desirable, and less desirable scenarios.

The Reports
The six reports look at different potential scenarios, both desirable and not so desirable, hoping to stimulate debate about the future of higher education and what kind of experience the sector wants for students in the future.
The reports look at the potential for the increased use of technology such as virtual reality learning spaces, a more marketised HE sector with a proliferation of small alternative providers, a local, community-based university model, a coming together of extended reality and hybrid learning by 2035, a world with no universities at all as they are subsumed into corporate organisations and the introduction of virtual learning analytics to individualise every student's experience to make them most effective.
The reports have been produced by:
- Deakin University, Australia;
- University of Greenwich, UK;
- Manchester Metropolitan University, UK;
- Staffordshire University, UK and; on behalf of University Alliance.