It is widely recognised the PSF is a useful tool in understanding and developing teaching practice. How it might be used to broker cross-institutional transformation is less well documented. This was the rationale for Advance HE to commission this collection. The eight case studies, from the institutions below, are brought together into a comprehensive report and are also available as individual case studies.
The work includes eight examples of best practice, guiding principles and corresponding practices for institutions aiming to further their strategic goals through the purposeful and strategic deployment of the PSF.
Collaborative Development Fund 2022-23 launched
Three projects are announced for the 2022-23 Collaborative Development Fund (CDF) for addressing key sector challenges together.
Project Aim
The principal aim of the project is to collate and curate a small number of institutional case studies that identify and explain how the PSF has been utilised in institutional initiatives designed to achieve strategic change and/or institutional transformation.

Project Output
The Report
The report is the overall introduction of the eight case studies to increase understanding of how the Professional Standards Framework (PSF) can be used to achieve strategic change and/or positive transformation in learning and teaching. The intended readership are senior leaders with strategic responsibility for teaching and learning and those with responsibility educational development across their institution. Advance HE accredited Continuous Professional Development (CPD) scheme leads will also find the work inspiring. The collection is relevant to a global readership.

The Case Studies
A variety of UK and international Higher Education providers are represented in the collection. The eight case studies are written by those with responsibility for AHE accredited CPD, and senior leaders with ultimate responsibility for teaching and learning at their institution.
- The Aga Khan University, Pakistan, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and the UK
- The University of Brighton, UK
- Bournemouth University, UK
- Cardiff University, UK
- Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
- The University of Roehampton, UK
- The University of Warwick, UK
- The University of Wolverhampton, UK

Project Team
Dr Jenny Lawrence M.Ed, AFSEDA, PFHEA, NTF
Director of the Oxford Centre for Academic Enhancement and Development at Oxford Brookes University. Her research interests include the intersection of staff and student wellbeing and educational leadership, with specific focus on programme leadership.

Dr Mary Fitzpatrick, SFSEDA, MCIPD
Head of the Centre for Transformative Learning at the University of Limerick. Her research interests lie in learning and development with a particular focus on efficacy of professional development activities, the professionalisation of teaching in HE and students as co-creators in learning, teaching, and assessment.

Adam Craik
Teaching Enhancement Officer in the University of Hull’s Teaching Excellence Academy. His research interests include curriculum and learning design, digital pedagogies and approaches to active learning.