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Andrea (Andy) Todd

Andy’s research explores the lived experiences of students with parental responsibility and her 2024 report, ‘Student-Parents' experiences of academic and non-academic support in UK Higher Education’ informed the Office for Students’ decision to include student-parents as an at-risk group in the Equality of Opportunity Risk Register.
University of Chester
Job Title
Associate Professor of Active Citizenship

Andrea (Andy) Todd is an Associate Professor of Active Citizenship at the University of Chester.  Andy’s research explores the lived experiences of students with parental responsibility and her 2024 report, ‘Student-Parents' experiences of academic and non-academic support in UK Higher Education’ informed the Office for Students’ decision to include student-parents as an at-risk group in the Equality of Opportunity Risk Register.  A strong advocate for improving support for student-parents in higher education, Andy has authored several research-informed guides, including The Student-Parent’s Guide to Navigating University and The Personal Tutor’s Guide to Supporting Student-Parents.  Described by QAA Scotland as ‘the UK’s leading researcher into the lived experiences of student-parents’, Andy works closely with UCAS on their advice and guidance for student-parents, and recently produced ‘The Student-Parent’s Guide to Open Days’ for the UCAS website, a short research-informed guide designed to assist student-parents in making an informed choice of university provider.