We are specialists in higher education research. Our expert team can provide, qualitative, quantitative or mixed-methods offers, underpinned by sector-wide datasets from our student surveys and our sector-leading higher education statistical reports. We offer multi-pronged evaluation and a specialism in equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI).
Whether you’re a sector agency, institute, university or another organisation with a higher education offer we will work with you to help higher education be the best that it can be.
Want to find out more?
If you would like to know more about Advance HE Insights, contact insights@advance-he.ac.uk or complete the form below to receive a copy of our brochure.
How we support institutions

- Equality, diversity and inclusion audits
- Desk-based literature reviews
- Understanding hard-to-reach audiences
- EDI stats reports and data collection guidance
- Sector data advanced analysis
- Programme and policy evaluations
- Bespoke consultancy research - qualitative and quantitative
- Student surveys
If you are interested in working with Advance HE's Insights Team please contact insights@advance-he.ac.uk.

Equality, diversity and inclusion audits
Our bespoke equality audits are designed to help institutions identify where the challenges lie and what works within their own context. These audits not only provide institutions with an overview of how equality and diversity are perceived and experienced in general, but also allow institutions the opportunity to sensitively explore equality characteristics which may have historically received less attention (such as sexual orientation, gender identity, or religion/belief).
Edge Hill University commissioned Advance HE’s Insights Team to conduct a bespoke EDI review of its policies and to gather qualitative staff experiences.

Programme and policy evaluations
Some of our major pieces of work involve large-scale evaluations of major sector or institution-wide initiatives. With our sector-wide lens and specialism in both quantitative and qualitative research methods, evaluation is a main focus of what we do.
Advance HE were commisioned to undertake an independent evaluation of the Accomplished Study Programme in Research Excellence, read the project success story here.

Bespoke research – quantitative and qualitative
Solving the most complex research problems requires the most appropriate methods and often a combination of rich detail and robust data. With our expertise in conducting primary research through in-depth interviews and focus groups as well as designing and analysing some of the largest surveys in the sector we can offer a fully combined qualitative and quantitative offer. Our researchers are experienced in using analytical software including Atlas.ti and SPSS which offer a broad range of advanced techniques.

Student surveys
The student surveys from Advance HE have engaged with over 170,000 students over the last two years. Our surveys help institutions understand and enhance student experience and engagement, benchmark performance, and pinpoint where interventions are most needed. Advance HE's student surveys are:

Understanding Stakeholder Perceptions
Institutions are facing complex challenges in an ever changing context. To name a few: delivery modes post-pandemic; mental health and wellbeing; perceptions on value; and, the ‘culture wars’. Advance HE supports institutions to understand and identify complex challenges through the perceptions of key stakeholders to develop appropriate strategies and solutions.

Data collection guidance
Collect and analyse equality data to identify areas for action and meet legal requirements.

Team members


Who we work with

Disabled Students' Commission
The Disabled Students’ Commission (DSC) was announced by the former Universities Minister in June 2019 and was formed in March 2020. This independent and strategic group takes responsibility for advising, informing and influencing higher education providers to improve support for disabled students. Advance HE has responsibility for providing secretariat support, as well as overseeing the management, coordination and dissemination of research and other DSC outcomes.

Insights Spotlight Series
Equality, diversity and inclusion review at Nuffield College, Oxford
Researcher: Dr Amanda Aldercotte, Head of Knowledge and Research
Nuffield College commissioned Advance HE to review its current context and practice from an equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) perspective. This review was wide-ranging in its content, providing insight into the perceptions and experiences of the various populations within the College to inform an action plan to strengthen EDI at Nuffield.
Wellcome Trust Success on the Board: Unlocking the power of underrepresented voices in research
Researcher: Dr Panagiota (Peny) Sotiropoulou, Mixed Methods Researcher
Our insights team evaluated the programme content for ‘Success on the Board’ to assess the impact that engagement with the programme had on participants’ board-relevant knowledge, skills and confidence.
Accomplished Study Programme in Research Excellence (ASPIRE) for Black students: Fixing the broken pipeline
Researcher: Dr Hannah Griffin-James, Quantitative Researcher
Advance HE was commissioned to undertake an independent evaluation of the Accomplished Study Programme in Research Excellence.
University of East Anglia (UEA): Review of Health Sciences student recruitment practices
Researcher: Dr Anne Rowan, Mixed Methods Researcher
Advance HE was commissioned to undertake a review of the entire application cycle to better understand what stops students from certain groups from applying to Health Sciences at UEA and why they experience the interview process differently to other applicants.
Reports and Blogs
- Student Academic Experience Survey 2024
- University of York - Evaluating EDI embeddedness into research projects
- University of Portsmouth - Understanding Stakeholder Perceptions
- Equality in higher education: statistical reports
- Research Insights and Research and Data Briefings – short research papers related to EDI and methodologies.
- TASO (2024) Mind the (ethnicity degree awarding) gap Theories of Change and evaluation plan resources
- TASO (2024) Mind the (ethnicity degree awarding) gap: From typologies to templates
- UKRI (2023) Literature review on EDI barriers to postgraduate research relevant to funding
- EPSRC (2023) Collection of the outcomes and outputs from the EPSRC Inclusion Matters investment
- Office for Students (2019) Catalyst for change: Protecting students from hate crime, sexual violence and online harassment in higher education evaluation
- UKRI (2019) EDI Evidence reviews (UK and international)

Contact us
If you have any questions about Advance HE Insights please get in touch by emailing insights@advance-he.ac.uk.