It is increasingly recognised how important mental health and wellbeing are for staff and student success. Universities and colleges are fast developing new approaches to mental health and wellbeing, not only to improve academic outcomes and retention but also to provide a holistic and positive experience, even in the most challenging times.
At this one-day conference, organised in association with the Mental Wellbeing in Higher Education Expert Group, we will hear from expert keynotes and panel speakers, discuss new ideas, learn from successful sector-wide initiatives, and aim to boost motivation and a fresh vision for all delegates.
The conference will be preceded by a call for workshops inviting practitioners to submit an abstract on their work.
Event Information
Date: 14 May 2025
Location: TBC

Who should attend?
Heads of Counselling, members of counselling teams, Student Welfare Officers, Student Support Officers, Lecturers, Tutors, staff supporting the student experience in estates, accommodation, libraries and other student services, and anyone wishing to learn more about identifying and addressing poor mental wellbeing within their students.
A digital badge award will recognise presenters at this event.

Share and celebrate your achievements with digitally recognised learning
For much of our portfolio for 2024-25 the learning of event attendees and programme participants and conference, symposia and colloquia presenters will be digitally recognised.
This makes it easy for you to share and celebrate your achievements by adding them to your email signature or including them in your social profiles including Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Your learning certificates can also be easily verified and downloaded as a pdf.