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Diversity Principles Framework
Guidance for executive search firms and higher education providers working together on board appointments.

Board Recruitment Framework
Diversity principles for constructing further particulars for board vacancies.

Governance and risk disclosure practices in UK higher education institutions in an era of austerity and reform: Main Report
Governance, Academic and Financial Risk (Small Development Project).

A simple best practice guide for making governance and risk management disclosures by governing boards and senior managers
Governance, Academic and Financial Risk (Small Development Project).

Academic Governance - Principles
Principles and actions for effective student engagement in academic governance.

The Quality of Board Decision-Making Processes in Higher Education Institutions: UK and European Experiences
Governance, academic and financial risk, Culture, change and organisational development (Small Development Project).

Academic Governance - Framework
A framework for reviewing Academic Governance in higher education.

Academic Governance - Case Studies
Academic Governance - Case Studies.

Academic Governance - Insight Guide
Insight guide: governing bodies and academic assurance.

What Works: The Concept
Exploring the possibilities of a platform for higher education leadership, governance and management. Higher education is experiencing rapid change; leaders need access to best evidence to support high quality decision making. This paper describes a journey scoping a ‘what works’ initiative for the sector.

Creating value from open data
Governance and risk; Efficiency and effectiveness (Innovation and Transformation Funded Project).

Governors' views of their institutions, leadership and governance
Governance, academic and financial risk (Research).

The Role and Effectiveness of Audit Committees in UK Higher Education Institutions
Governance, academic and financial risk (Research).

Pre-1992 Review of Model Statutes: Case Study
Efficiency and effectiveness; Governance and risk (Innovation and Transformation Funded Project).

The Role and Effectiveness of Audit Committees in UK Higher Education Institutions: Final Report
Governance, academic and financial risk (Small Development Project).

Challenges for the leadership of transnational education in higher education: balancing risk and innovation
Governance, academic and financial risk; Evolving organisational forms; Global and cross-sector perspectives (Research).

Governance in a changing environment: literature review
Governance, academic and financial risk (Research).

Governance in a changing environment: Thought piece
Governance, academic and financial risk (Research).

The governance of private higher education providers in the UK
Governance, academic and financial risk (Research).

Framework for Identifying Governing Body Effectiveness in Higher Education
Governance, academic and financial risk (Research).