Advance HE Fellowship demonstrates a commitment to professionalism and provides recognition of practice, impact and leadership in teaching and learning. By investing in the Professional Standards Framework (PSF) and Fellowship institutions have reported:
- improved world rankings metrics (e.g. QS Academic Development Rating)
- an improved profile of teaching and learning across the institution
- encouragement of collaboration across faculties and between institutions
- increasing scholarship and research in teaching and learning
- improved student retention
- improved student experience data
- improved student engagement scores.
Advance HE will be going on a global Fellowship relay, visiting a country each month, to hear the stories of fellows and institutions that have embedded Fellowship. If you would like to share what Fellowship has done for your practice or the impact it has had in your institution please use the hashtag #FellowshipRelay2024 on your social channels.
If you would like to write a piece for our blog please contact communications@advance-he.ac.uk.

January 2024 - United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates has over 1,000 fellows in nearly 50 institutions. Two institutions have Advance HE accredited programmes which allows them to bestow Fellowship upon those who complete the programmes.

February 2024 - Australia
Australia has the second-largest number of Fellows in the world, with over 7,500 individuals recognised for their teaching and learning practice. 13 Australian institutions have Advance HE accredited programmes, including the accreditation of an Indigenous Associate Fellowship, offered by QUT.

March 2024 - Malaysia
Malaysia has over 350 Fellows, recognised for their teaching and learning practice. It also boasts a thriving Senior Fellows Network, set up in 2023, spearheading efforts to boost the number of higher education professionals in the country with Fellowship status. Sunway University also have the country's only accredited staff development scheme.

April 2024 - Thailand
Thailand has the third most Fellows in the world. Over 1,700 individuals across 32 institutions have been recognised for their teaching and learning practice. Suranaree University of Technology and Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University also have Advance HE accredited teaching and learning staff development schemes.

May 2024 - Bahrain
Bahrain has the sixth most Fellows in the world. Over 780 individuals across 18 institutions have been recognised for their teaching and learning practice. Applied Science University, Bahrain Polytechnic and the University of Bahrain also have Advance HE accredited teaching and learning staff development schemes.

June 2024 - United Kingdom
The UK has over 120,000 Fellows, accounting for the majority globally. The award has been in place for over 20 years. 120 institutions in the UK also have accredited professional development schemes aligned to the Professional Standards Framework and can therefore award Fellowship upon completion.

July 2024 - Ireland
Ireland has a growing number of Fellows, with the number as of July 2024 at 391 from 36 institutions and organisations. This now puts Ireland in the top 10 countries for the number of Fellows.

Would you like to engage with Fellowship?
If you are an individual who would like to find out more about applying for Fellowship, further information can be found at the links below:
- Fellowship and the four categories - this includes application packs
- Professional Standards Framework
- Fellowship Category Tool - designed to help you understand which category of Fellowship most closely reflects your current practice
- Senior and Principal Fellowship Support Programmes - specialist virtual programmes to support applications.
- Support for individuals applying for Fellowship.
If you would like to find out more about how your institution can embed Fellowships and how you can support your staff to apply, further information can be found at the links below:
- Building your Fellowship Communities - including Fellowship workshops and draft application reviews
- Teaching and Learning Accreditation of your CPD programmes
- Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
- Buy multiple Fellowship Applications for a group of staff - contact solutions@advance-he.ac.uk.