In April 2013, the Higher Education Academy published Promoting teaching: Benchmarking guide, with the purpose to: “assist in the process of review and improvement of academic promotion, aligned to institutional goals and best practice in the higher education (HE) sector”.
Eleven years on, this member benefit project considers ‘where are we now’, exploring how the sector has developed mechanisms to value teaching.
This project is relevant to: All members
Job functions: Academics, Learning Designers and Technologists, Employability and Careers Staff, Student Experience, Middle Management and Senior Leaders.

The project
Co-created with sector experts, and informed by participants from member institutions from the UK, Australasia and Ireland, this project will deliver a strategic report and a series of case studies outlining ‘what works’ in higher education learning and teaching career pathways with a particular focus on teaching-focused career paths.
Across various terms, “education focussed”, “teaching-focused”, “education specialist”, “teaching & scholarship” or “teaching stream faculty”, HE and FE providers around the world continually work to recognise, develop and reward career paths of those focused on teaching. This considers how promotions to senior roles should be configured and administered to give efficacy and parity with traditional positions that include an element of research.

The report and associated case studies will provide thought leadership through a global lens, bringing together different perspectives and showcasing best practice from different contexts.
Through interviews and round table discussions bringing together senior academic and educational leaders, HR and OD directors to share experiences, the project will provide a comprehensive overview and cases for members that will illustrate ways in which learning and teaching excellence can be effectively built into progression, reward and recognition.
The roundtables are by invitation only. If you have not received an invitation but would like to get involved, please contact networks@advance-he.ac.uk.
Wednesday 5 June 2024, 14:00-15:00 (BST/UTC+1), Virtual
Tuesday 4 June 2024, 11:00-12:00 (AEST/UTC+10), Virtual
Wednesday 19 June 2024, 14:00-15:00 (AEST/UTC+10), Virtual
Thursday 6 June 2024, 10:30-11:30 (IST/UTC+1), Virtual


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