Advance HE has published literature reviews in:
- Internationalisation of HE
- Student Engagement through Partnership
- Education for Sustainable Development
- Access, retention, attainment and progression
- Assessment and feedback
- Employability
and will publish a literature review on:
- Inclusive Curriculum Design
These publications, together with wider member engagement through webinars, summits and related activity, will provide a timely update to the core thematic areas of student success, ultimately contributing a wealth of evidence and currency to the forthcoming Framework series update.
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Developing student success, providing students with the opportunity to fulfil their potential so that they can adapt at an individual and societal level, is essential. Not only will this enable them to be the new leaders, advocates, educators and citizens of tomorrow, but it will help them engage within and across communities, become ethically conscious, sustainably aware and competent to view the world through a lens of equality and inclusion".Stuart Norton, Senior Adviser (Learning and Teaching), Advance HE
Our work continues to support members in adopting practical, evidence-based approaches that enhance student success. This will primarily be aligned to the core focus areas of the reviews, yet we will ensure a degree of connected activity across the Advance HE student success thematic areas.
Outputs for this project will focus upon literature reviews in each of the cognate areas with additional associated outputs including webinars, summits, podcasts, and a range of blogs.
Student Success Framework Review and Redesign aims to:
- Share and promote an evidence-based approach to enhancing student success
- Consider the primary lessons and changes in direction from 2016 – 2021
- Identify core areas for Advance HE to focus upon and further enhance alignment to the core areas of student success as recognised by the framework series
- Engage with pragmatic, practical examples and activities to enhance student success
- Provide thought leadership to develop effective approaches to enabling student success.

Literature Review
Internationalisation of HE
'Internationalisation of HE' forms part of Advance HE's review of the Student Success Framework and centres around a literature review 'Internationalisation and students’ outcomes or experiences: A review of the literature 2011-2021', synthesising evidence about internationalisation and its demonstrable impacts on students’ outcomes and experiences in higher education. The review compiles ten years of research in peer-reviewed journal articles about internationalisation to unpack whether and how it is shown to make a difference in students' experiences.
Student Engagement through Partnership
Student Engagement through Partnership is a review of the literature from 2017-2022, synthesising evidence about student engagement through partnership and its demonstrable impacts on students’ outcomes and experiences in higher education. The review by Northumbria University focuses on peer-reviewed journal articles about student engagement through partnership, with an emphasis on partnerships that impact students beyond just the partners themselves.

Student Success Frameworks Series
Best practice frameworks, informed by research, developed with the sector for the sector
The issues impacting student success are broad and complex, having a shared point of reference and common language to discuss, shape and review policy, process and practice can therefore be an extremely effective way of applying a consistent methodology to leading change. Engaging with our research-informed frameworks in combination will help identify smarter ways of working. This is achieved through identifying synergies between key strategic priorities that all underpin teaching excellence and the aspiration to support student success in its broadest sense.

Student Success
Student Success: Access, retention, attainment and progression
This part of the project explores the key areas of ‘Access, retention, attainment and progression: a review of the literature 2016-2021’ conducted by researchers at Sheffield Hallam University. The review shows sector developments and/or changes in these areas, collating and updating evidence since Advance HE's previous research review from 2017: 'Enhancing access, retention, attainment and progression in higher education.
Student Success - Assessment and feedback
This part of the Student Success project focus on our recently commissioned literature review 'Impacts of Higher Education Assessment and Feedback Policy and Practice on Students: A Review of the Literature 2016-2021'. Conducted by researchers at the University of Kent, the review provides insight into the literature, recognising that assessment and feedback practices are amongst the most powerful levers educators have for improving student learning.
Student Success: Employability
This part of the Student Success project focuses on embedding employability in higher education, based on the publication ‘Employability: a review of the literature 2016-2021’, a research project conducted by Oxford Brookes University. The review informs a number of outputs, including a webinar and a series of podcasts exploring key areas from measuring employability and the impact of work-integrated learning to addressing inequality and looking at employability from the perspectives of our global membership.
Student Success: Flexible learning
Based on the research study ‘Flexible learning: a literature review 2016 – 2021’ conducted by Professor Mark Loon of Northumbria University, this area of focus identifies and explores practical, evidence-based approaches to flexible learning in higher education. Collating the findings of 105 research articles, the review identifies and examines the key drivers of flexible learning, from the influence of Covid-19 to the development of technologies and technology-dependent initiatives and the willingness of educators to experiment with combinations of pedagogies.
Sustainability for Student Success podcast
In this podcast Kim Ansell, Senior Advisor at Advance HE is joined by Dr Kay Hack, Senior Advisor, Advance HE and Kate Mori, Quality and Standards Specialist at the Quality Assurance Agency to discuss the links between student success and education for sustainable development and how together they form part of the sustainable development ecosystem.

A range of supporting guides for the Student Success Frameworks Series can be found below-
Essential frameworks for Enhancing student success: Embedding employability
Essential Frameworks for Enhancing Student Success: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education Framework
Essential Frameworks For Enhancing Student Success: Student Engagement Through Partnership
Essential Frameworks for Enhancing Student Success: Flexible Learning
Essential Frameworks for Enhancing Student Success: Internationalising HE
Essential Frameworks For Enhancing Student Success: Transforming Assessment

Related programmes, events and consultancy services
Below you will find information on Advance HE programmes, events and consultancy services under the student success theme.
Employability Symposium 2023
A presenter-led one-day event to learn, discuss and share the latest practices in employability and entrepreneurship in embedding employability among a network of peers.
Student Engagement Conference 2023
Student engagement has never been more important or more challenging. This conference will focus on good practice in engaging students, the student voice and student participation in the governance and decision-making processes within HE.
Teaching and Learning Conference 2023
Our flagship conference attracting HE practitioners involved in all aspects of HE teaching and learning from the UK and overseas. Advance HE’s Teaching and Learning Conference 2023 will continue to position the spotlight firmly on teaching in a global context.
Curriculum Reviews
An Advance HE expert can work with your institutional teams using our Curriculum Review Tool (CRT) to evaluate the alignment of practice at an institution, faculty or school level and support the development of curricula that drive student and institutional success.
Teacher training and sustainable development programmes
Advance HE offers a range of in-house delivery options aimed at equipping staff with the skills and confidence to make a positive impact on the student experience. Our programmes can be contextually adapted, integrate ‘train the trainer’ methodologies and be delivered online or via a blended model.
Student Surveys
Student surveys from Advance HE (Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey, Postgraduate Research Experience Survey and the UK Engagement Survey) have engaged with over 170,000 students over the last two years.

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