Ellen Pugh, Senior Adviser at Advance HE was previously a member, and is now an adviser to the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 Equality and Diversity Advisory Panel (EDAP) which has been established to advise the UK higher education funding bodies, the REF team and the REF panels on the implementation of equality measures in the REF 2021.
In response to requests from members, Advance HE has developed and delivered in house equality training for staff involved in their institutions REF 2021 processes.
Find out more about our in-house development programmes and training.
Advance HE also ran a series of national events in Spring 2019 to support the sector implement the equality requirements of REF 2021. Materials developed for those events, including guidance on equality impact assessment, are only available to HEIs who attended.
Advance HE responded to a number of consultations to inform the development of REF 2021:
- Advance HE (formerly ECU) response to REF 2021 consultation on the draft guidance and criteria
- Advance HE (formerly ECU) has responded to the consultation on the second Research Excellence Framework
- Advance HE (formerly ECU) response to Lord Stern’s review of the Research Excellence Framework
For further information on REF 2021 visit the UK funding bodies REF 2021 website www.ref.ac.uk.
Equality impact assessments
Equality impact assessments (EIA) are a tool to help colleges and universities ensure that their policies, practices and decisions are fair, meet the needs of their staff and students and that they are not inadvertently discriminating against any protected group.