With over 20 years of resources to access and as convener of current thinking, knowledge and insight into the key sector opportunities and challenges, Advance HE exists to help higher education shape its future.
Through our members, we will be guiding the development of new resources and publications through Strategic Advisory Groups and national priorities programme.
Knowledge Hub
The Advance HE Knowledge Hub brings together thousands of higher education resources covering a wide range of topics and themes all into one place. Search by keyword or use the search filters on the theme, sub-theme and content type to find resources relevant to you.
Teaching and Learning Resources
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Resources
Governance Resources
Leadership and Management Resources

Key resources
Student Academic Experience Survey (SAES)
The annual Advance HE-HEPI Student Academic Experience Survey shows how full-time undergraduate students rate their time in higher education and their attitudes toward policy issues that impact them.
Our Survey takes place at the same time each year among a directly comparable undergraduate sample, enabling us to measure genuine like-for-like changes. Each year themes of analysis give detailed insight into the academic student experience.

Equality in higher education: statistical reports
Every year, Advance HE’s Research team produces a series of statistical reports on equality for staff and students in UK higher education.
Our staff and student equality data report for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) aims to assist the sector in better understanding the main equality challenges for staff and students, directing future efforts to overcome them.

Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES)
The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) provides robust, benchmark data from a large number of institutions across the UK and beyond to drive enhancement of the Postgraduate Research Experience.
Exploring the views of tens of thousands of Postgraduate Researchers from across the sector each year, the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) has global reach and is the largest survey of its kind.

Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES)
The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) is the only UK higher education sector-wide survey to gain insight from taught postgraduate students about their learning and teaching experience.
This report presents the sector findings of the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES), aggregating results from all participating institutions in the sector and providing the most comprehensive picture of the postgraduate taught experience.

UK Engagement Survey (UKES)
The UK Engagement Survey (UKES) is the only nationwide undergraduate survey to focus on student engagement.
Reflecting on the extent that students are engaging in key learning activities, the UK Engagement provides annual insight into patterns of engagement across different student groups.

Good Practice Grants 2020
Good Practice Grants (GPGs) provide Advance HE members with an opportunity to develop and share innovative practices with us and the wider HE sector.
The themes for the 2020 projects covered leadership, equality and diversity, and teaching and learning, with a particular focus on:
- Good practice in inclusive leadership: What works?
- Fostering a sense of belonging for staff and students: What works?
- Successful transitions: What works for different student groups?

Collaborative Development Fund 2021-22 projects
Information on our Collaborative Development Fund projects can be found below.